Saturday, December 28, 2019

Visas y licencia para trabajar como arquitecto en USA

Varias visas permiten a arquitectos internacionales trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos, con independencia de si se ha obtenido o no la licencia estatal para esta profesià ³n. En este artà ­culo se explican cuà ¡les son las visas de trabajo de las que se pueden beneficiar los arquitectos, dependiendo de sus circunstancias personales. Ademà ¡s, por su importancia, tambià ©n se alude a cà ³mo es la carrera de arquitectura en Estados Unidos y cuà ¡les son las opciones para los arquitectos internacionales para obtener una licencia en este paà ­s. Visas de trabajo y residencia permanente para arquitectos Para decidir quà © visa es la mà ¡s conveniente hay que mirar a las caracterà ­sticas de cada una con sus ventajas e inconvenientes y tambià ©n a las peculiaridades del arquitecto. Estas son las visas que se podrà ­an utilizar: En primer lugar, la visa H-1B para profesionales y modelos. Esta puede considerarse como la visa por excelencia para estos casos. Sin embargo tienen el gran problema que en la mayorà ­a de los casos està ¡ sujeta a un cupo mà ¡ximo anual de visas que se pueden aprobar, dejando sin opciones a un buen nà ºmero de profesionales. En el caso de los chilenos destacar que tienen a su disposicià ³n la versià ³n H-1B1 que prà ¡cticamente les garantiza que siempre hay una visa disponible para ellos si cumplen los requisitos.   Las visas de la familia H-1B tienen ademà ¡s la gran ventaja desde el punto de vista migratorio de que son consideradas como de doble intencià ³n, es decir, permiten legalmente buscar de forma activa una tarjeta de residencia permanente para quedarse a vivir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos. Otra visa a destacar pero que aplica solo a mexicanos es la conocida como  visa  TN, creada  al amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio (NAFTA). Para esta categorà ­a no hay là ­mite anual de visas que se pueden conceder y pueden ser utilizadas por arquitectos. Una gran visa abierta para todas las nacionalidades es la que se conoce como visa O, para personas con habilidades extraordinarias en los campos de Negocios, Artes, Educacià ³n, Deportes, Cine y Televisià ³n y Negocios. Los mejores arquitectos con reconocimientos notables podrà ­an tener opcià ³n a obtenerla. Otra visa disponible es la E-2 de inversià ³n. Es decir, se tendrà ­a que crear una empresa y esta compaà ±Ãƒ ­a contratarà ­a al arquitecto. Estas visas està ¡n sà ³lo abiertas a los ciudadanos de determinados paà ­ses. Por otra parte, los estudios de arquitectura de otros paà ­ses pueden crear subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y enviar con una visa de la familia L a sus ejecutivos o arquitectos que ya tiene empleados. Y, finalmente, otra opcià ³n de visa es la J-1 de intercambio. Permite un entrenamiento en Estados Unidos de hasta un mà ¡ximo de 18 meses. Al arquitecto en prà ¡cticas se le paga al menos el mà ­nimo que habitualmente se abona a arquitectos locales con los mismos conocimientos y experiencia. Architect-us es una de las empresas que se dedica a poner en contacto a arquitectos internacionales y estudios locales para este fin. Finalmente, tambià ©n es posible obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente por trabajo si una empresa estadounidense patrocina al arquitecto extranjero. Y en casos muy excepcionales de excelencia profesional es posible el auto patrocinio. Carrera de arquitectura en Estados Unidos En Estados Unidos, se puede estudiar arquitectura en una universidad acreditada por la NAAB y pueden ser estudios de licenciatura o de maestrà ­a. Una vez completados los estudios, es necesario realizar tres aà ±os de prà ¡cticas bajo el control de un arquitecto, es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como IDP. Posteriormente, hay que aprobar un examen conocido como ARE que es muy amplio y abarca conocimientos de arquitectura per se pero tambià ©n de construccià ³n. El siguiente paso es obtener una licencia de Arquitecto Registrado (RA, segà ºn sus siglas en inglà ©s). Los requisitos para esta licencia varà ­an de estado a estado. Quà © hacer cuando los estudios de arquitectura se han realizado en otro paà ­s La licenciatura de arquitectura estudiada en otro paà ­s no se reconoce en Estados Unidos, excepto en el caso de Canadà ¡.   Las opciones para trabajar con las que cuentan los profesionales sin licencia que se encuentran en esa situacià ³n son varias. Es frecuente que se trabaje bajo la supervisià ³n de un arquitecto con licencia y que se utilicen descripciones profesionales como diseà ±ador, arquitecto en prà ¡cticas, etc. Otra opcià ³n es estudiar  una maestrà ­a en arquitectura en los Estados Unidos y luego seguir los pasos que siguen los estudiantes de arquitectura estadounidenses y, ademà ¡s, convalidar los estudios realizados en otro paà ­s y, en ocasiones, la apostilla de la Haya. Pero hay mà ¡s opciones que ofrece el Consejo Nacional de Arquitectura (NCARB, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En concreto, es posible seguir dos caminos diferentes. En primer lugar, el Foreign architect path to certification. Esta opcià ³n no es admitida por todos los estados. En segundo lugar,  los que no tienen tanta experiencia trabajando pueden seguir lo que se conoce como el Standard Path. Comprende, entre otros, los siguientes pasos: convalidacià ³n de crà ©ditos con realizacià ³n de los pendientes, prà ¡cticas laborales, rendir el examen del ARE. Este test tiene la caracterà ­stica de que sus resultados son tambià ©n aceptados por todas las provincias canadienses.   Finalmente, verificar la normativa de cada estado, ya que cada uno tiene jurisdiccià ³n en materia de quià ©n està ¡ autorizado a firmar como arquitecto. Y esto aplica tambià ©n a los territorios de la Commonwealth, como Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa e Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Factors Affecting The Role Of A Nurse And The Care

Significance Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of chronic diseases that â€Å"share the same phenotype of hyperglycemia† (Kalra Gupta, 2015, p. 1). In simpler terms, diabetes is made up of a group of disorders where there is too much glucose in the blood. Whether it is type 1, type 2, or gestational, all can lead to severe health complications. Looking at the disease in a holistic way, it’s easy to see that it impacts more than just blood sugar; it affects the skin, eyes, nerves, feet, heart, blood vessels, family dynamics, mental health, and more. It’s imperative to point out that healthcare now places a lot of stress on prevention. This project will concentrate on diabetes type 2 because of prevention through lifestyle choices. Influence on the Role of Nurse and Healthcare It’s vital that nurses and other healthcare workers are educated on diabetes. An example of how diabetes influences the role of a nurse and the care given can be seen with something as simple as wound care. A study published in the International Journal of Vascular Medicine describes how complications (amplified atherosclerotic process, vascular denervation, endothelial cell dysfunction, and glycosylation of extracellular matrix proteins) ultimately lead to poor wound healing in diabetes (Gopi Krishna Kolluru et al., 2011). Therefore, a nurse’s job in treating a diabetic with a wound is different from that of someone without diabetes. Wound care is just one example of manyShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse Among Nurses Essay920 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome a persistent issue affecting many individuals. In 2008, it was estimated that 17.8 million Americans over the age of 18 where substance dependent (Epstein, Burns, Conlon , 2010). Many of these individuals being affected are nurses. Ponech (2000) stated that approximately 10% of the nursing population has alcohol or drug abuse problems, and 6% has problems serious enough to interfere with their ability to practice (as cited in Talbert, 2009, p.17). Studies show that nurses have a 50% higher rateRead MoreAssessment And Care Provision Of Mrs. Amalie Jones1350 Words   |  6 PagesAssessment and Care Provision of Mrs.Amalie Jones. This essay about 89 year old Mrs Amalie Jones will be a discussion of assessment and care provision identified through the concept map in assessment one.Concepts from Miller’s Functional Consequences Theory of healthy ageing will be used to identify the risk factors which negatively impacts on her function,safety and independence. Focus of this essay will be demonstrating how the dignity of the client/patient can be maintained through dignifiedRead MoreThe Role Of Self Identity For Adolescents939 Words   |  4 Pagestransitions into social and economic independence (WHO, 2014). This essay will discuss the different concept of self-identity for adolescents, the important predictable and unpredictable elements during the transition, as well as the nurses’ role in relation to adolescence care. According to Erikson’s theory, as the individual transits into adolescence, he or she begins to express the high interest in understanding and trying to make sense of the self and its qualities. This process includes self-awarenessRead MoreInternal and External Factors Defining the Nurse Network Organization1060 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Nurse Network Introduction The objective of this study is to examine and describe the internal and external factors that have defined and shaped the organization in terms of it size, organizational structure, and processes and to answer whether the demand for more accountability affected the behavior of the organization in any way. 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Focusing on the responsibilities, qualities, code of Practice, their Differences between other non – professionals and their negative/positive approach to team work and supervision. 1.1 Analysis of an adult nurse. According to Oxford, a nurse is ‘a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.’ (Oxford accessed on 28.1.2015)Read MoreNursing Research1183 Words   |  5 PagesHISTORICAL LANDMARKS AFFECTING NURSING RESEARCH YEAR EVENT | 1859 Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing published | 1900 American Nursing Journal begins publication | 1923 Columbia University establishes first doctoral program for nurses | Goldmark Report with recommendations for nursing education published | 1930s American Journal of Nursing publishes clinical cases studies | 1948 Brown publishes report on inadequacies of nursing education | 1952 The journal Nursing Research begins publicationRead MoreHealth Care Of Clients With Chronic Illnesses927 Words   |  4 Pagesissues in nursing affecting or potentially affecting the care of clients with chronic illnesses? As advancement in technology increase, so does the positive outcome of health care. This stimulated a cascade of events. First, medical equipment such as â€Å"biotechnology, information technology and the development of medical devices and equipment such as MRI machines, artificial organs, and robotic prosthetic limbs† (White, 2011).This increase in technology and advancement in health care overall has extendedRead MoreWEEK 1 Advanced Practice Nurse Will Pla677 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ The Advanced Practice Nurse will play a crucial role in advancement of the healthcare system in the United States. There are several factors affecting today’s healthcare system which will influenced the future development of the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) role. Some of the major factors include the evolving federal and states laws, rapidly growing and aging population, increasing rates of chronic diseases in children and adults, and the cost of healthcare. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Who You Are by Jessie J free essay sample

Half-artist, half therapist, Jessie J will be a shining star in her lifetime. Released on February 2011, her debut studio album, â€Å"Who You Are,† hit the world in no time at all. â€Å"Who You Are† contains four brilliant singles: â€Å"Do It Like A Dude† is a peek in a hardcore life; â€Å"Price Tag,† featuring B.O.B., is a stand against money and materialism; â€Å"Nobody’s Perfect† is a confession of someone about her imperfections; and â€Å"Who’s Laughing Now† is a blow to bullies. The album title track, â€Å"Who You Are,† is as well one of the songs that would quench your thirst for inspirational music. With Jessie J’s impressive vocal talent, it’s no wonder how she brought out the song’s message: Be true to yourself and to others; there’s nothing wrong with who you are. If you are a person who wants meaningful and relatable music, then â€Å"Who You Are† is undoubtedly for you. We will write a custom essay sample on Who You Are by Jessie J or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Confidence in Organized Labor Essay Example For Students

Confidence in Organized Labor Essay INTRODUCTION Statement of problem People have opinions and thoughts about many issues relating to the work force. They wonder what is the best occupation to get in, how much money they can make in certain fields, who the best employers might be. Some of the big concerns people have when thinking about employment is benefits. What can a company provide to the potential employee in terms of insurance, vacations, advancement, and all the extras associated with the perks of certain companies? At the time do these people wonder about the organizations that may have a say in those benefits they so covet. The labor unions Through my research I have found very little information that deals with Confidence in Organized Labor Essay. Most of the data that I have obtained is more closely related to unions in general than to the people who have confidence in them; and I will attempt to ascertain whether people have confidence in organized labor, not whether they approve or disapprove of labor unions. With the little information that I was able to obtain in this quest, I suggest that this research would be beneficial to sociology by presenting more information on the topic of confidence in organized labor and giving sociologists a platform from which to proceed with further research in this area. Objectives One objective of this paper is to determine whether there is confidence in organized labor. Another objective is to ascertain whether there is an association between certain independent variables relating to the level of confidence in organized labor. LITERATURE REVIEW The topic of confidence in organized labor is an expansive subject which can be studied from the perspectives of many different variables. What I want to know is what others have written about confidence in organized labor, how the different variables of my research react to unions, whether there are any reasons they feel this way, what the unions are doing to gain confidence, and whom they are likely to target for membership. I have read that education may affect the way people feel toward unions (Sares, 1991). Meikasins and Smiths (1993) article about how professionals are not as unionized as their industrious counterparts tend to show an association about income and confidence. (Most professionals earn more than industry workers.) One of the areas of my research is race (Wilson, 1989): does this variable have any association with confidence in organized labor? Another focus of in my research is whether sex can attribute to ones view on labor unions (Sares). Do men or women have the greater confidence in organized labor? What has been done by the labor unions to gain peoples confidence, and what groups have they targeted most (Cosco)? Are there any factors, such as the economy, that contribute to a persons confidence in labor unions (Dalesio)? The research that I have reviewed will be used to assist me in determining how confidence in organized labor is associated with the independent variables that I w ill be using. METHODOLOGY Data In 1972, the General Social Survey (GSS) began collecting data from a random national sample of adults 18 and older. The people interviewed had participated in National Opinion Research Center (NORC) national samples. All of the participants were English-speaking and lived in non-institutional settings within the United States. The general purpose of GSS is to collect information on society and use this data to observe and explain any trends or changes in behaviors. For a modest fee and within a reasonable time period, the results are made accessible to people wishing to use the information. In 2000 the GSS interviewed nearly 3,000 non-institutionalized adults. The sample was chosen by using a multistage, stratified probability sampling design. .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .postImageUrl , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:hover , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:visited , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:active { border:0!important; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:active , .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4675317316286b5d5bb43651134ef64b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mental Illness Essay This method was chosen so that each participant in the target area would have an equal probability of being chosen. The data gathered from these approximately ninety-minute in-person interviews will be used to assist in this research. Seventy percent of the samples contacted by the GSS responded. The data used in this research was obtained from the GSS. It came from the spring of 2001 survey. The code book was used to select the dependent variable and independent variables for this research. Analytic Strategy Data gathered from this research was analyzed using SPSS. With the SPSS program .